Technical Information about Wool for Plants
Laboratory Test Results for Wild Wisdom Wool Pellets
Scientific Studies and Articles about the Benefits of Wool Pellets
Please click on the button below to learn from agronomy experts about the vast benefits of using sheep wool for plants. We have articles from American universities, agriculture agencies and scientists from across the globe. In addition, we have posted several articles from MDPI, a publisher of open access scientific journals.
Much more than a fertilizer, sheep wool pellets and mulch will provide for your plants from germination and through all the seasons. Wild Wisdom Wool for Plants has many benefits including
Slow-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer
Conserves Water
Amends Soil Adding Vital Nutrients
Organic Mulch
Helps to save the planet and the family farm!
Wild Wisdom Wool Pellets are a NATURAL PLANT FERTILIZER -
10-0-4 NPK provides many nutrients and micronutrients vital for plant growth.
Slow-Release Nitrogen, nutrients release from wool through the entire growing season.
Wool pellets are safe to handle and safe around children and pets.
Sheep wool is 100% natural, ethical, sustainable, renewable, and local.
Wild Wisdom Wool Pellets work well to IMPROVE SOIL -
Sheep wool pH ranges at 9.3
Improves soil porosity, wool is the perfect amendment to aerate soil and promote healthy roots.
Natural substrate, perfect for germinating seeds, container plants and hanging baskets.
Pellets and mulch can also be used on top of soil to be tilled in after growing season.
Raw wool is naturally both hygroscopic and hydrophobic, so plants get just the right amount of water.
Wool can hold several times it’s weight in water.
Wool provides less watering frequency with the same results.
Conserves water in two ways: when mixed in soil and when applied as a mulch.
Wild Wisdom Wool pellets HELPS PEOPLE AND THE PLANET
Wild Wisdom Wool pays farmers above market standard to help give family farms a sustainable income for wool.
Sheep wool is renewable, as sheep are sheared 1-2 times a year making it a sustainable alternative to peat, which only grows at a rate of 1 mm/year.
Wool Pellets are an ecological problem solver. Waste wool that would otherwise go to a landfill is now helping to keep out planet green.
Wild Wisdom Wool Mulch is a smart SOLUTION FOR ORGANIC GARDENING
Long lasting, wool mulch is a keratinaceous material, which is very resistant to degradation.
Wool mulch provides all the benefits of raw wool for your plants and soil at a great price.
Q & A
WHY WILL WOOL MULCH LAST FOR YEARS? Wool is a keratinaceous material. The main chemical component of wool fiber is alpha keratin. Wool is 95% keratin by weight. Keratin is practically insoluble in water due to a high cross-linked structure based on disulfide bonds.
WHY WOOL PELLETS WILL HOLD WATER AND NOT DROWN PLANTS? Wool is both hygroscopic (absorbs water from the air) and hydrophobic (repels water). The duality of the wool fiber is a unique feature that lends itself perfectly to conserving water in the soil for plants.
DO WOOL PELLETS AND MULCH HAVE AN ODOR? Yes, there is an odor associated with wool pellets and wool mulch, The product is 100% unprocessed raw sheep wool with lanolin. The odor of wool pellets and wool mulch is what real unprocessed wool smells like naturally.
WHY ARE THE PELLETS DIFFERENT COLORS? Some sheep are all white, other breeds of sheep have black wool on the face and legs. Wild Wisdom Wool also processes wool from old breeds of sheep like the Icelandic breed, which has dark color wool. Do not forget that the occasional black sheep gets sheared as well.