Meet the Sheep
Local sheep wool is the sole ingredient of Wild Wisdom Wool pellets for plants. Here are the Mossygoat sheep who help make your plants happy.
The Mossygoat sheep are mostly hearty heritage breeds and crosses of the Northern European short tale breeds, chosen for their ease of care and ability to thrive solely on coastal pastureland, as well as parasite and disease resistance. They also serve as invasive weed control, including tansy.
Sweetpea may not be glowing lightbulb, but she is a favorite of ours. We do not know her exact breeding but we suspect she is a South Suffolk or a cross between a Southdown and a Suffolk. She is a superior mother and passes on the mothering ability to her offspring. She is kind, friendly, and the perfect sheep.
Esther is the original black sheep of Mossygoat Farm and is purebred Icelandic. She is the sheep herd matriarch, and all the other sheep take her lead. She is a faithful mother and passes on the fine Icelandic wool well.
Ruth and Esther came from the same farm from the greater Portland area. Ruth is also purebred Icelandic. She is always a little reticent of humans but is a faithful mother. She has such fun color too!
Snow Drop
Snow Drop is Sweetpea’s first lamb from 2022. She is a cross between Sweetpea (Black Faced Meat Sheep) and a Katahdin. Snow Drop is friendly and inherited her mother’s excellent temperament and mothering ability.
Coco is one of the friendliest sheep around. She is the daughter of Esther and is an Icelandic/Shetland cross and full brother of Magna. Coco always comes up for pats and treats.
Anise is the shyest sheep of the flock. Her mother is Ruth, and she is an Icelandic/Shetland cross. Anise likes treats and is working on learning to be more friendly so she can get more treats.
FinnBerry came to us with the name Salmon Berry and is from Wee Family Farm outside of McMinnville. He is our ram. We renamed him Finn but in the end he just became FinnBerry. He has an excellent temperament that he passes to his offspring. He is a Finn/East Friesian cross and was purchased to increase the milking ability of the ewes.
Magne is the resident wether and is Esther’s son. He is Icelandic/Shetland cross. He is super friendly and loves to get hugs. He is best buds with FinnBerry and also acts as babysitter to the goat kids when they need to be separated.
2024 Lambs
Cowboy, wether lamb of Ruth
Bandit, wether lamb of Sweetpea
Chocolate and Marshmallow, ewe lambs of Snow Drop
Cloud and Shadow, ewe and wether lambs of Anise
CocoToo, ewe lamb of Coco
Dairy and Borealis, ewe lambs of Esther