How to Have a Wild Healing Mindset
Wild healing is not going to the doctor (or healer), being prescribed meds (or herbs), and being healed. Herbal medicine is a great first step in walking away from the toxic medicine of Western civilization, or from Western culture as a whole. However, there is more to wild healing than meets the eye. Wild healing is a mindset and requires huge shifts away from the healing and dominant mindset most of us were raised in. Here are four mindset changes you can make to fully encompass wild healing.
You heal you
The first mindset change is that you heal you. We all are responsible for our own healing. Your body has the incredible healing ability that is innate to being human. You actually don’t need plants, or a healer. However, both can help and are useful to get you going down the right path, but ultimately it comes down to you. Self-responsibility is a very hard thing for some people to accept. We live in a culture where most of us are taught that the government, health care systems, social systems, or (fill in the blank) are here to take care of us. But that’s not true. You are responsible for caring for yourself and I have noticed that for most people, walking away from these systems is the healthiest choice you can make.
Systems do not heal you; you heal you. Plants do not heal you; you heal you. Healers do not heal you; you heal you.
Self-heal flower essence to assist in the beginning of a self-healing journey
You can take the most powerful plant medicine in the world and still not heal if the underlying cause, either emotional or physical, is not taken care of. If the intention is not behind taking the medicine, you will also not heal. You must have the intention of returning to whole.
Change your habits
The second mindset shift is that unless you change habits, the symptoms will continue. Symptoms are imbalances in your body that your body is responding to in an attempt to heal and find balance. Western medicine masks those symptoms. Herbs can help heal the disease, however, and this is a big however, unless you change habits then the symptoms can continue.
Diabetes is probably the best-known example of this mind set shift and is a disease that causes many people every year to start living a healthier lifestyle. Excess weight and sugar intake are the leading causes of diabetes in America. Taking insulin can mask the symptom of your bodies inability to produce enough insulin. Insulin will allow you to continue your lifestyle that caused the excess weight and high blood sugar to begin with. It masks symptoms. But there is another way and that is to change habits. This habit changing boils down to the self-responsibility that I mentioned above. Diet and exercise alone can go a long way in reversing Type II diabetes. Think of diabetes as your body’s warning signal that you need to make big changes. Most symptoms are really just warning signs rather than disease. Your body is trying to get your attention.
Oxeye Daisy flower essence to help you find clear vision for the direction you would like your life to take and know the changes that need to be made to get there.
You may already know that diabetes can be cured with diet changes and exercise. However, changing your habits is more all-encompassing. It’s not always as simple as limiting carbs and sugar or exercising and eating organic.
What do you do for stress relief? Do you come home and smoke pot or do you have an actual plan to reduce stress in your life? Even something that dominant culture now considers acceptable is still masking symptoms and is still allowing people to continue an unhealthy stressful lifestyle.
Sunflower flower essence for stress-relief and life balance.
Everything is medicine
The third mindset shift is that everything is medicine. Story is medicine. Nature is medicine. Even your smart phone and tv is medicine. This is a tidbit of ancestorial knowledge that has been almost lost in Western culture. With the view that everything is medicine, it forces us to mindful of what we consume and how.
Everything that we interact with in life is medicine for good, bad, or indifferent. How you use it is up to you. You can use it to evolve or devolve. Hard times can come upon your family. You can continue wallowing self-pity (yes, it’s a little bit natural to do so), or you can use hard times as an opportunity to grow and be better than ever before. You see, those hard times are medicine. Is it good medicine or bad medicine? That is up to you and your mindset.
Rose Medley Essence for self-love
There are many names for a simple life: homesteading, simple living, nature-based living, seasonal living, holistic living. All those names boil down to a life that brings health and happiness. A life that is positive medicine for these troubling times the world is in.
If this mindset shift seems overwhelming, the final mindset shift should help.
You are already healed
Here is a huge clincher in wild healing and a mindset shift that even the herbal community needs to remember to take. Are you ready? If you view yourself as needing healing, you will always have healing to do. It is a Catch-22 of sorts. We need to heal to grow, but we can stop our growth by constantly focusing on healing. Allow yourself to be healed.
Remember, your body has an innate ability to heal itself. Instead of focusing on constantly healing, focus on your body’s ability to adapt and change.
Periwinkle flower essence to help you see the magic that already exists in life.
Emotional healing from trauma can be especially hard because healing can seem like you are peeling an onion. Just when you thought you were done healing, you find another layer. Especially then, with all the layers of trauma, it is important to know in your heart you are healed and whole. In between “healing episodes” (emotional symptoms) bask in feeling healed. Know that you are getting to the core of the wound, and you are stronger. Emotional core wounds are really where the use of vibrational flower essences shine. Their medicine is so powerful, yet so subtle, and the effects so gentle.
The body is amazing. You can learn to be in stressful situations. You can even train your body to consume poison without harm. Wild healing actually comes down to helping your body and mind adapt to changing and new situations.
Wild healing is a mindset and a state of mind. We at Mossygoat Farm and Wild Wisdom Botanicals wish everyone happy healing and happy living.