Gluten Free Aebleskivers (Danish Pancakes)
Gluten-Free aebleskiver time! Aebleskivers are Danish round pancakes. They are actually spherical. They are made from a light and fluffy pancake batter and cooked in a special aebleskiver pan which is usually cast iron. Although aebleskivers are typically made with wheat flour, the gluten-free version is delightful as well.
I come from a very Danish family so this is a traditional breakfast made on New Years Day as well as throughout the year. Aebleskivers are extremely versatile. The most simple way to serve them is with pancake syrup or another fruit syrup such as lingonberry. You can also put a filling into them during the cooking process. Historically this is an apple filling.
Aebleskiver is a Danish word and is sometimes spelled Ebleskiver in English because we don’t have the letter Æ in English. You pronounce it “ay-bluh-skee-ver.” Aeble is the Danish word for apple. Skiver is the Danish word for slices so the word aebleskiver literally translates to apple slices.
The aebleskiver possibilities are endless. You can make your aebleskivers sweet by dipping them in powdered sugar or pouring a glaze over them. You can add flavorings to the dough such as chocolate-chip aebleskivers or lemon poppy seed aebleskivers. You can also make them savory such as feta rosemary aebleskivers. Use your imagination. This is a basic gluten-free aebleskiver recipe and you can use it to take your aebleskivers in any direction.
For this recipe you will need an aebleskiver pan and a knitting needle or wooden skewer. My family uses double pointed knitting needles and I wouldn’t dream of using anything else. The knitting needle I use was given to me by my mom to turn aebleskivers. I believe it was her knitting needle. She also gave me my pan. I remember she flew to visit me with this big and heavy cast iron aebleskiver pan in her carry-on luggage and was quite shocked that it didn’t cause problems.
How to Make Gluten-Free Aebleskivers
For this recipe you will need
An aebleskiver pan.
A knitting needle or wooden skewer for turning.
A medium and large mixing bowl
An electric mixer or stand mixer for beating egg whites.
First you need to gather your ingredients. You also need to start warming up your aebleskiver pan. It takes awhile for the cast iron pan and your aebleskivers will not turn properly if the pan is not hot enough
2 cups gluten-free flour
1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum IF NOT already in your flour blend.
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 eggs, seperated
2 cups milk (cow, goat, or alternative)
1/4 cup ghee or butter, slightly melted (margarine ok)

Gluten-Free Aebleskivers
- 2 cups gluten-free flour blend
- 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum if NOT already in flour blend.
- 1 Tablespoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 4 eggs, separated
- 2 cups milk (cow, goat, or alternative milk)
- 1/4 cup butter or ghee, slightly melted
- Pre-heat the aebleskiver pan on medium heat.
- In a large bowl, mix together the flour blend, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Add the xanthan gum if it is not already in your gluten-free flour blend.
- Slightly soften or melt the butter or ghee. Let it cool slightly so it does not cook the egg yolks.
- In a medium bowl whisk together your egg yolks, milk, and butter (or ghee).
- Add the yolk mixture to your flour mixture and stir until blended with a wooden spoon. The batter will be lumpy.
- Beat your eggs using an electric mixer or stand mixer until they have stiff, but not dry, peaks.
- Using a spatula, fold 1/3 of your stiff egg whites into the batter to lighten the batter.
- Fold in remaining egg whites. Do not stir. Fold until no white streaks of of the egg whites remain.
- Grease your aebleskiver pan well. Fill each well in the aebleskiver pan mostly full. Cook until the sides are set (about 1 1/2 minutes) and turn 1/4 turn with a knitting needle or skewer. Cook until the new side is set, about one minute, and turn 1/4 turn again so the original side is facing up. Cook until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Turn occasionally during this process. This will take 3-5 minutes or longer depending on the size of your pan and your aebleskivers.
Mix your dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Only add the xanthan gum if your gluten-free flour blend does not already contain it. When in doubt, leave it out.
Next, seperate your eggs. Add your egg whites to a large stand mixer or in a seperate bowl and use a hand mixer. Beat your egg whites until the peaks are stiff, but not dry.
In a medium bowl, add your egg yolks, slightly melted butter or ghee, and milk. Make sure your butter or ghee is cool enough to not cook the egg yolks. Whisk together.
Add the yolk mixture to the dry mixture and stir with a wooden spoon. Your mixture will be lumpy.
Fold in about 1/3 of your egg whites to help lighten your batter. Do not stir. After the batter is lightened, add in the rest of your egg whites and fold until well combined and no white streaks are visible.
The thickness of your batter will differ slightly depending on what gluten-free flour blend you use. I use Namaste Brand or Bob’s Red Mill One-to-One. It should be the consistency of a pancake batter. You can add milk to thin it out if needed.
Generously grease your aebleskiver pan. Fill each well to full or almost full. Cook until the sides are set, about a minute and half. If you insert your knitting needle near the side to turn and it does not turn easily, cook longer.
Insert your needle near the side and turn the aebleskivers 1/4 turn. Insert any fillings at this time.
After the new side is set, in about one minute, finish turning your aebleskivers so the original sides are face up. Cook for about a minute and a half. Gently turn your aebleskivers every half minute or so until they are cooked. It will take up to 3-5 minutes depending on the size of your pan and wells. They are done when you insert your knitting needle into the middle and the needle comes out clean. I have a towel nearby at all times so I can wipe off my knitting needle to keep it clean. Remove from the pan with your knitting needle when they are done. Cherry syrup is excellent on them!
Tips and Tricks for Making Perfect Aebleskivers
Learning to turn Aebleskivers can be tricky. Making the pancakes perfectly spherical without problems does involve a learning curve. But once you get the hang of it, all usually goes well. Here are some tricks to help you be successful your first time. But please remember: if this is your first time making aebleskivers, don’t expect a perfect first batch. The good news is that unless it’s burned it usually is edible.
Tip #1- Make sure your pan is pre-heated. I start pre-heating my pan when I begin making the aebleskiver batter. A hot pan is needed. If your pan is not hot the aebleskivers will not cook and turn properly.
Tip #2- Grease your pan well. A well greased pan is the key to not have your aebleskiver batter stick the side. Because you turn your aebleskivers several times during the cooking process, you need the grease. You need to use butter or ghee. If you can not use either, use oil but copiously brush the oil on rather than spray.
Tip #3- Always fill your pan in the same order and turn them in the same order as you fill. I start with the aebleskiver well in the 12:00 position and fill clockwise ending with the center hole. The center hole always cooks fastest on my gas stove. I turn in the same order. The key to turning them easily is timing. If you turn the last one you poured first, then the other ones will be over ready for turning.
Tip #4- Fill the well of your pan nearly to the top to get perfect spheres but do not overfill. If you fill your wells less then full, your aebleskivers can come out football shaped. They taste just as good, they just look like footballs. A proper aebleskiver is spherical.