Flower Essence 101
A flower essence captures the healing vibration of flowers and preserves the vibration in pure water and alcohol. Flower essences work with the emotional states of both people and animals to create an opportunity to turn negative emotion into positive emotion. Each individual flower offers their specific wisdom. To a sceptic, that may sound hard to imagine. Still, the fact remains that a flower essence has the capacity to affect the user’s mental and emotional states.
Flower essences were first officially used by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s. Dr. Bach was a doctor, a virologist, and a scientist who was originally interested in vaccines. He became disillusioned with how medicine only focused on disease and not on whole wellness. Even though he was not a homeopathic doctor, he became involved with the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital and his flower essence remedies are based off of what he learned about homeopathy. He used his own emotional states as a guinea pig in his path to discover the original 38 flower essences. These 38 flower essences are also referred to as flower remedies. Only Bach approved flower essences can be referred to as flower remedies.
Although 1930 was the first official use of flower essences, they have in fact been used for millennia. Native populations around the world recognized the healing power of morning dew on plants.
Flower Essence FAQ
Are flower essences safe to take with other medication.
The consumption of flower essences will not interfere with allopathic medicine or with herbal medicine. Flower essences work on a vibrational level and not on the physical level of allopathic and herbal medicine. Flower essences treat emotions and fears. Although flower essences can treat the emotions behind a physical illness, they do not treat the illness or symptoms directly.
Very small amounts of essence are needed. In that respect, they are similar to homeopathic medicine. It is generally recommended that if you are under the care of a homeopathic physician that you consult with them before taking flower essences because they may interfere with homeopathic remedies.
Are flower essences safe for children?
Flower essences work on a gentle vibrational level. A flower essence can do no harm. If the essence is not needed, there will be no ill effect. Instead, there will just be no effect. Due to the gentleness and the lack of ill effects, they are absolutely safe for children.
Are flower essences safe for pets?
Flower essences are safe for all animals. You can place drops of a glycerin-based essence under the tongue. Most flower essences are alcohol based and the essence is preserved with either vodka or brandy and these essences can be placed on your animals directly on the top of the head, or another pulse point. All flower essences can also be diluted with the drinking water. Place 4 drops in a bowl of water. Because the dosage is so small, this will not affect the taste of the water.
Are flower essences safe to take while pregnant or breast feeding?
Flower essences are safe to consume while pregnant and breastfeeding and will benefit both the mother and baby. The amount of alcohol consumed while taking flower essences is truly miniscule. If any amount of alcohol concerns you, then you can place the drops on top of your head or on a pulse point.
What are the possible side effects of taking flower essences?
One of the best things about flower essences is that they have no ill side effects. If you do not need a particular flower essence, then you will feel no effect rather than having an ill effect.
How long should you take a flower essence?
Everyone reacts to flower essences differently. Generally, people start with four drops, four times a day. Take the essence for two-weeks noting any changes in emotion. Continue as needed after two weeks or discontinue use if no effect is noted. Flower essences often work on a subtle level.
Are flower essences the same as essential oils?
Flower essences and essential oils are two completely different products.
Essential oils are a concentrated oils extracted from a plant using distillation. They are very strong because of the concentration. Essential oils are known for their scent and are used in aromatherapy.
Flower essences contain the vibration of a plant and does not contain any physical plant matter. The vibration of the plant is captured using solar or lunar infusions. Flower essences have no smell other than the smell of the alcohol, glycerin, or apple cider vinegar used to preserve the essence.
Photo by @i_am_the_yeet_
Are flower essences the same as tinctures?
Flower essences and tinctures are often confused for each other. Some craft selling sites, such as Etsy, further this confusion because flower essences are listed as tinctures. However, they are two different items although both of preserved in alcohol.
Tinctures use alcohol as a solvent to extract the different healing constituents of a plant. Consuming a tincture has a similar effect to consuming a live plant, only the effect is more concentrated. Tinctures help cure and prevent physical illness and disease and may interfere with allopathic medicine. Some herbal tinctures are also not safe to consume while pregnant or breastfeeding. Care must be taken when consuming tinctures in ensuring there is no contraindications.
Flower essences are vibrational. Alcohol is used as a preservative and not as a solvent. No plant material is present in flower essences.
What if I cannot consume alcohol?
Most flower essences are preserved with either brandy or vodka. You can find glycerin-based essences as well as essences preserved with apple cider vinegar. These flower essences have the same healing ability but a much shorter shelf-life.
If you cannot consume alcohol, you may still be able to take an alcohol-based essence by placing the drops on the top of your head, inside your wrists, or on any pulse point. Using flower essences on pulse points does not weaken the effect of the essence.
Flower essences can also be diluted in water before consuming. Four drops of essence can be placed in 8 ounces of water. Alcohol also evaporates. If you dilute the essence in water and let the water sit or if you warm the water slightly, the alcohol will evaporate.
Wild Wisdom Botanicals Flower Essences
Wild Wisdom Botanicals LLC, wildcrafted at Mossygoat Farm, formed in 2022. However, the Fulmer family has been working with flower essences for over twenty years. Our family was first introduced to them when two of our three pet cats died in close time proximity. The third cat, Ali, became immediately despondent and depressed. She remained that way for weeks. She lost weight and would hide all day in a closet. We tried Bach Rescue Remedy and Ali became alert and playful within the day. She also quickly gained her weight back. Pets do not experience the placebo effect because they do not know what their humans are trying to heal. The change in Ali the cat’s behavior was so extreme and positive that we became instant believers in what flower essences can do.
With several brands of flower essences on the market today, Wild Wisdom Botanicals stands out as a clear choice for your purchase decision. All of the plants used in Wild Wisdom Botanicals are single source from biodynamically grown or wildcrafted from our wildstead at Mossygoat Farm. The alcohol we use is made locally and selected for neutral flavor, the best ingredients, and high craftsmanship.